These papers contain relevance to the care of operational canines and are listed for AVMA members who have access to the on line JAVMA publications. Additional articles are open access, as well as in other journals and will be added as they are discovered.
Duhaime RA, Norden D, Corso B, et al. Injuries and illnesses in working dogs used during the disaster response after the bombing in Oklahoma City. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1998;212: 1202–1207.
Otto CM, Franz MA, Kellogg B, et al. Field treatment of search dogs: lessons learned from the World Trade Center disaster. J Vet Emerg Crit Care 2002;12:33–42.
Otto CM, Downend AB, Serpell JA, et al. Medical and behavioral surveillance of dogs deployed to the World Trade Center and the Pentagon from October 2001 to June 2002. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2004;225:861–867.
Slensky KA, Drobatz KJ, Downend AB, et al. Deployment morbidity among search-and-rescue dogs used after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2004;225:868–873.
Fox PR, Puschner B, Ebel JG. Assessment of acute injuries, exposure to environmental toxins, and five-year health surveillance of New York Police Department working dogs following the September 11, 2001, World Trade Center terrorist attack. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2008;233:48–59.
Otto CM, Downend AB, Moore GE, et al. Medical surveillance of search dogs deployed to the World Trade Center and Pentagon: 2001–2006. J Environ Health 2010;73:12–22.
Gordon LE. Injuries and illnesses among urban search-and-rescue dogs deployed to Haiti following the January 12, 2010, earthquake. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2012;240:396–403.
Migala AF, Brown SE. Use of human remains detection dogs for wide area search after wildfire: a new experience for Texas Task Force 1 search and rescue resources. Wilderness Environ Med 2012;23:337–342.
Gordon LE. Injuries and illnesses among Federal Emergency Management Agency-certified search-and-recovery and search-and-rescue dogs deployed to Oso, Washington, following the March 22, 2014, State Route 530 landslide. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2015;247:901–908.
Gordon LE, Ho B. Injuries and illnesses among human remains detection–certified search-and-recovery dogs deployed to northern California in response to the Camp Fire wildfire of November 2018. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2020;256:322-332
Otto CM DVM, PhD, DACVECC, DACVSMR , Heyer A, and Berkowitz V, BA. Voluntary head dunk: cooperative care for irrigating canine noses and eyes and rapid cooling DOI:
Perry, E.B., Discepolo, D.R., Liang, S.Y., Scott, M., Williamson, K. and Bender, K.S., 2023. Biocidal effects of a wipe-down procedure using common veterinary cleansers on microbial burden within working canine exterior coats. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 10. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2023.1219249
Discepolo, D., Kelley, R. and Perry, E., 2023. Assessment of the barrier function of canine skin after repeated decontamination. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 68, pp.1-6.
Discepolo, D., Kelley, R., Watson, A. and Perry, E., 2023. Impacts to canine dermal microbiota associated with repeated bathing. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 10. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2023.1204159
Perry, D. Discepolo, S. Liang, M. Scott, K. Williamson, and K. Bender. (2023) “Biocidal effects of a wipe-down procedure using common veterinary cleansers on microbial burden within working canine exterior coats.” Frontiers in Veterinary Science. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2023.1219249
Discepolo, R. Kelley, E. Jenkins, S. Liang, and E. Perry. (2022) “A Comparison of Canine Decontamination Cleansers: Implications for Water Use, Dermal pH, and Contaminant Reduction.” Journal of Veterinary Behavior.
Perry, D. Discepolo, E. Jenkins, K. Kelsey & S. Liang. (2021) “An assessment of working canine contamination from standing liquid hazards during a simulated disaster search scenario” Journal of Veterinary Behavior.
Perry, D. Discepolo, S. Liang & E. Jenkins. (2021) “Removal of aerosolized contaminants from working canines via a field wipe-down procedure” Animals. 11(1), 120;
Perry, E.B. Powell, D.R. Discepolo, J.M. Francis, and S.Y. Liang. (2020) “An assessment of decontamination strategies for materials commonly used in canine equipment” Journal of Special Operations Medicine.20 (2)
Powell, G. Apgar and E. Perry. 2018. Impacts of handler training and anatomical location on decontamination efforts for dogs in field conditions. Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research. 29:p 4-10.
Venable, Discepolo, D., Powell, E. and Liang, S.Y., 2017. An evaluation of current working canine decontamination procedures and methods for improvement. Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research, 21, pp.53-58.
Parnes SC, BS, Mallikarjun A, PhD, Ramos MT, VMD, Capparell TR, BS, and Otto CM, DVM, PhD, DACVECC, DACVSMR. Voluntary head dunking after exercise-induced hyperthermia rapidly reduces core body temperature in dogs. DOI:
Hanel RM, Palmer L, Baker J, et al. Best practice recommendations for prehospital veterinary care of dogs and cats. JVECC 2016;166-233. doi: 10.1111/vec.12455
Palmer L. Clinical Update: Concepts of Prehospital Traumatic Hemorrhage Control in the Operational K9. JSOM 2018: 18,4:123-130
Otto CM, Cohen JA, Darling T, et al. 2021 AAHA Working, Assistance, and Therapy Dog Guidelines. JAAHA 2021: 57:6;253-277
E.K. Jenkins, M. DeChant, and E. Perry. 2018. When the nose doesn’t know: The impact of management, medication and microbiota shifts on canine olfactory function. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. Vol 5, Article 56
E. Perry, N. Gulson, T.-W. Liu, and K. S. Swanson. 2017. Physiological effects of stress related to helicopter travel in FEMA search and rescue canines. Journal of Nutritional Sciences. 6:e28
E. Venable, S. Bland, H. Holscher, and K. Swanson. 2016. Effects of air travel stress on the canine microbiome: a pilot study. International Journal of Veterinary Health and Science 4(6) 132-139. https://doi:10.19070/2332-2748-1600028
J. Baker, M. DeChant, E. Jenkins, G. Moore, K. Kelsey and E. Perry (2020) “Body temperature responses during phases of work in human remains detection dogs undergoing a simulated deployment” Animals. 10 (4) 673
C. Neander, J. Baker, K. Kelsey, J. Feugang, and E. Perry. (2021) “A comparison of black vs yellow coat color on rectal and gastrointestinal temperature in Labrador retrievers.” Journal of Veterinary Behavior – Clinical Applications and Research.
Advanced Life Support for the Canine – Laura McLain, DVM
Antidotes and Availability: An Update – Susan J. Bright, DVM and Lynn O. Post, DVM, PhD, DABVT
Cold Weather Operations; Veterinary Considerations – Lori E. Gordon, DVM
Drug Dose Quick Reference – Laura McLain, DVM
ECG Options for use in the US&R Canine – Lori E. Gordon, DVM
Evaluation of RSDL, M291 SDK, 0.5% Bleach, 1% Soapy Water and SERPACWA
Grain-Free Diet Risks and Working Dogs
Heatstroke in Dogs – Janet Merrill, MS, DVM
Hyperthermia and Heatstroke in the Canine – Lori E. Gordon, DVM
Hypothermia and Frostbite in the Canine – Lori E. Gordon, DVM
MDR 1 Gene Mutation; Canine Genetics – Janet Merrill, MS, DVM
Neve Agent Antidote Administration in Dogs – Lori E. Gordon, DVM
Radiation: Report on Effects of Radiation in Canines – Lori E. Gordon, DVM
Vaccinations for the FEMA Search Dog – Lori E. Gordon, DVM
Working Dog Handler Medical Care Manual – Homeland Security, Office of Health Affairs
Wound Management of the Canine – Lori E. Gordon, DVM